exercise during pregnancy

Is it SAFE to exercise during pregnancy? Prenatal exercise: A comprehensive guide with our personal trainer and physiotherapist specialised in pregnancy

Welcome to a journey through the realm of prenatal exercise – a journey that demystifies common questions, sheds light on the safety aspects, and offers a wealth of guidance for expectant mothers seeking to stay fit and healthy during this transformative period. As a physiotherapist specialising in women’s health and also personal trainer, we’re here to provide you with the knowledge and confidence to embrace the world of exercise during pregnancy.

In this article we will answer the COMMON QUESTIONS about exercise during pregnancy and will give you some physio tips to exercise safely during pregnancy.

Is it SAFE to exercise during pregnancy?

Absolutely, yes! The safety of prenatal exercise is a question that often looms large in the minds of expectant mothers. Rest assured, engaging in appropriate exercise routines during pregnancy is not only safe but also remarkably beneficial. Scientific research has underscored the advantages of maintaining an active lifestyle during this period. Mothers who continue to exercise are less likely to develop conditions during their pregnancy. Furthermore, exercise can be a potent ally in managing pre and postnatal depression. Hence, it’s not just safe but highly recommended.

When is it UNSAFE to exercise during pregnancy?

While exercise is generally safe for most pregnant women, there are exceptions. Some conditions or high-risk pregnancies may necessitate caution or a reduction in exercise levels. If you have any doubts about whether it’s safe for you to exercise during pregnancy because you already have a condition or exercising is painful or even if you have the sensation that something is not right, it’s crucial to consult your doctor or obstetrician for personalised guidance.

How MUCH exercise is safe during pregnancy?

Current guidelines recommend around 150 minutes of exercise per week, which can be broken down into 30-minute sessions, five days a week. The beauty of these recommendations lies in their flexibility – you can choose activities that resonate with you, whether it’s brisk walks, jogging, strength training, or yoga. The key is to find a rhythm that suits your individual preferences and needs.

How INTENSE can your workouts be? 

Moderation is the key when it comes to exercise intensity during pregnancy. While the term “moderate” might sound somewhat vague, it’s essential to strike a balance. You should feel like you’re working hard, but not to the extent that you can’t engage in a coherent conversation. In the past, heart rate restrictions were emphasized, but recent research has provided more nuanced perspectives. The crucial point is to avoid prolonged periods of elevated heart rate.

Why not start with an assessment to make sure you are on the right path?

If you’re unsure because you already have a condition or you are worry to not do enough or to do too much, feel free to consult your physiotherapist for an assessment and personalised advice. A simple assessment will give you the confidence to know exactly the tailored exercises that you can do safely.

Our TOP PHYSIO TIPS for staying SAFE during pregnancy exercise


Hydration is paramount during pregnancy. Ensure you have a water bottle handy during workouts and maintain proper hydration levels to support your body’s changing needs.

EAT enough food to fuel your body 

Pregnancy calls for increased calorie intake, particularly when exercising. Skipping meals should be avoided, and it’s crucial to diversify your diet to ensure you’re getting the necessary nutrients. Protein, fats, and carbohydrates should all have a place on your plate.


Overheating can pose risks, especially in warm environments or during intense workouts. Be mindful of your body temperature, avoid prolonged sun exposure, and steer clear of hot yoga sessions.

Wear good SUPPORTIVE shoes

The physical changes that accompany pregnancy can lead to increased joint laxity. To counter this, invest in supportive shoes that provide stability and comfort during your workouts.

Don’t push through PAIN

While exercise can be challenging and tiring, it should never be painful. If you encounter discomfort or pain during your workouts, it’s essential to listen to your body. Stop, seek guidance, and consult with a healthcare professional to ensure you’re not pushing yourself too hard.

Include STRENGTH training

As your body undergoes significant changes during pregnancy, strength training becomes crucial. Focus on strengthening your legs, glutes, back, and upper body. Building a robust foundation of muscle support can help you adapt to the physical transformations occurring within.

In conclusion, exercising during pregnancy can be a fulfilling and rewarding experience. Armed with knowledge and a tailored approach, you can embark on this journey with confidence. Remember that your body is unique, and what matters most is listening to its cues and adapting your exercise routine accordingly. Embrace the benefits of a healthy pregnancy and enjoy the journey! 💪🤰


Article written by the Women’s health Physio team of Mummy’s Physio
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