
Top tips for feeling good during pregnancy by our women’s health expert

During pregnancy, women go through a number of physical and emotional changes. To promote the well-being of both mother and baby, it is crucial to maintain both physical and mental health. Antenatal physiotherapy can be beneficial in this regard, along with the following tips to ensure a positive pregnancy experience.

The importance of a healthy and balanced diet during pregnancy

A balanced and nutritious diet is crucial during women’s pregnancy. This includes incorporating plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and protein while limiting processed foods and added sugars. That will also facilitate your bowel movement and avoid constipation or tummy pain.

As you know, supplements such as folic acid and Vitamin D can help meet the specific nutritional needs of pregnancy. Pregnant women should ensure their diet includes enough iron. You should eat well-cooked red meats, legumes and green vegetables to prevent anaemia and provide enough iron to the developing foetus. Calcium intake is also important for maintaining healthy bones and teeth, which can be achieved by consuming dairy products or dairy alternatives (almond milk, goat milk…).

It is also important to be mindful of certain foods to limit or avoid during pregnancy such as not well-cooked fish, smoked fish, uncooked sea food, fermented or raw foods.

Of course, both alcohol and caffeine should be avoided as it can affect negatively on the baby’s development. As always, it is recommended to consult a medical professional for personalised and expert advice. You can check “” their dietician is amazing in following up women’s diet during pregnancy.

Taking care of yourself in a balanced way during your pregnancy will help you baby develop properly while helping you stay healthy and manage your weight without worry or guilt.

Staying active during pregnancy is important for every woman

Keeping active during pregnancy is beneficial for overall health, as it helps you secret positive hormones as endorphins which also helps for the good mood. Regular exercise helps maintain physical fitness, alleviate common pregnancy-related discomforts such as back pain, as well as manage stress and anxiety.

It is recommended to focus on low-impact sports or activities, such as walking, prenatal yoga, and aqua gym for example, which can be adapted to each stage of pregnancy while avoiding risky sports. The goal is to maintain a healthy level of physical activity while respecting your own limitations. You shouldn’t trigger any pain during your pregnancy so once again balancing your physical activity properly is important.

If you are not sure of which exercises you should do or can do, seeking approval and guidance from a healthcare professional before beginning a new exercise program during pregnancy is always a good idea, as the initial assessment will allow the physiotherapist / personal trainer to know if you have any conditions to pay attention and giving you exercises tailored to your body.

Our team of physiotherapists and personal trainers can assist you with a personalised program after conducting an assessment and discussing your goals and expectations.

Be monitored during your pregnancy is a must do, don’t drop any appointments

Regular prenatal appointments with a gynaecologist or midwife, are crucial during pregnancy. They ensure that everything is progressing as it should and provide an opportunity to ask any questions or concerns you may have.

These appointments also allow to keep track of the baby’s development and growth, provide routine check-ups and offer guidance throughout your pregnancy.

It’s also a good time to discuss your options for delivery, ask questions on childbirth and postpartum. It’s important to keep up with these appointments and have an open and honest conversation with your healthcare providers.

Physiotherapy: an ally to relieve pregnancy pain

In addition to the above, physiotherapy is a valuable help for a comfortable pregnancy. Physiotherapy can alleviate common pregnancy pains such as (but not limited to) back pain, pelvic pain, hip pain, neck pain and shoulder pain through massage, stretching, and exercise techniques. A physiotherapist can also help women staying confident and active during their pregnancy.

Women’s health physiotherapy always starts with an assessment and check-up, to understand your goal, to see if you have any conditions that bother you and give you pain. Once the assessment is done, the pelvic health physio will be able to treat any condition that can be painful but also to give you an exercise program that won’t trigger any pain by adjusting the intensity and adapting the different exercises to your pregnancy.

Women’s health physiotherapist will also help prepare your body for delivery by giving you exercises to understand, stretch and strengthen your pelvic floor muscles and increase the flexibility of the pelvic joints. This will allow to relax more easily during your delivery and so avoid pain and possible tear as much as possible.

Understanding how to relax your pelvic floor muscles before your delivery will give you maximum comfort during the labour.

After childbirth, a pregnancy and postnatal physiotherapist can assist in relieving postpartum pain, help regain fitness and muscle tone and fasten the recovery process. Once again, an assessment will be done 6 weeks after your delivery, to check the tone of your pelvic muscle, if there was any damage during delivery, if you experience any incontinence, prolapse, back pain or else. After the assessment the pelvic physio will be able to give you a set of exercises to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles using pelvic floor rehabilitation techniques to avoid any risk of incontinence. The physio will also guide you toward starting your favourite sport again in a safe way for your body and treat any pain you may have.

Physiotherapy is beneficial to keep up with your physical and mental health during the pre and postnatal periods.

Seven tips for pregnant women to feel good during pregnancy

  1. Prioritize sleep: Good rest, sleeping properly is essential during your pregnancy to maintain energy and avoid exhaustion.
  2. Manage your stress: Addressing stress and anxiety will contribute to a better pregnancy experience. Relaxation techniques such as meditation or yoga are useful to release stress and anxiety. As we seen above, physical activity will also relieve you from stress.
  3. Maintain a good posture: Good posture can help alleviate pregnancy discomforts such as back pain. Your body change and so the static of your body. It is import to check your posture and to maintain a good back health by changing the way you carry things, changing position, moving in bed, picking things up from the floor etc.
  4. Drink water: Staying well hydrated is important during pregnancy to support healthy blood flow and maintain good balance of fluid in the body. This is important for the healthy development of the baby and to prevent health problems associated with dehydration.
  5. Wear comfortable clothing: Choosing clothes that are comfortable and easy to move in. Clothes shouldn’t be too tight; you will wear back your skinny jeans after your pregnancy!
  6. Take care of your skin: Dryness can occur more frequently during pregnancy, so make sure to moisturize regularly. Mainly for your belly, keeping your skin hydrated with a good cream or oil can avoid you from having stretch marks or at list limit them to a maximum.
  7. Listen to your body: Pay attention to your body and take time to rest and relax when you feel tired or experience pain. You are the person that knows you the best, so listen to you and if you have any worries, speak to a pro.

If you are looking for pregnancy physiotherapy care and treatment in London, our team of pregnancy specialised physiotherapist and osteopaths can see you in one of our clinics in Monument, Belgravia, or Clapham. For more info, or to book your prenatal check-up appointment,
call: 02071250262 – 07824553765

Or simply book online by CLICKING HERE